The company

Carrazana is a full service preventive maintenance and auto repair center for more than 10 years. We perform high quality, guaranteed service you can trust at a fair price. We repair domestic and foreign vehicles and are your best choice for scheduled maintenance of your car, SUV, truck and fleet vehicles.

If you are looking for honest service at a fair price, look no further than Carrazana. We are a local auto repair facility that is committed to superior service and customer satisfaction, and we always strive to make your experience simple and headache-free.

Good prices

No one can match our prices. Contact us for a free quote.

10 years of experience

Carrazana is a full service preventive maintenance and auto repair center for more than 10 years. We perform high quality, guaranteed service you can trust at a fair price. We repair domestic and foreign vehicles and are your best choice for scheduled maintenance of your car, SUV, truck and fleet vehicles.

Best crew

Since opening, we have been provide auto repair for the Hialeah, area. In the 10 years of operation we have grown in size from a 1 man shop to now employing 3 technicians.


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